Friday 31 January 2014

Coding with Google Blockly

Today we were using Google Blocky and it was very fun but when you pass level 6 it gets really differcult. We think our class would like it; it is very challenging! 

Friday 10 January 2014

Getting Back to Work!

Digital Leaders began their year with some hard work 'Fixing' a lego factory!
The game requires you to control a robot in the lego factory - programming it to carry out simple tasks! Great fun! They will then be showing this fun activity to their classes!
Try it yourself here : 

Wednesday 27 November 2013


We had a great session this morning looking at simple control woth Code Club's brilliant Robo-Boogie! Could you have a go at making the robot dance?

New Digital Leaders

Some old and new faces with our new Digital Leaders this year... 

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Interview with Me Books creator!

This week we had a special guest at De Beauvoir!! We interviewed the creator of Me Books James Huggins!

His company is called Made in Me and we asked him some questions:

What inspired you ? How did you get the idea?

I love comics and I love picture books! I have two small children and because we
love reading, and love changing books (reading the same books over and over
again gets boring) so we  decided to make an app which allows you to change the
story  and play with  it a little bit.

We are working on some other apps at the minute-new ones where you can
change the story. We wanted  Me Books  to look exactly like the books.

James had a look round the school and watched a class using the Me Books app, we asked if he enjoyed his visit...
There's nothing like being able to come and see the app being used in schools.
we work in an office so it is great to see it being used in schools

How long ago did you have this idea?

probably about two years ago. I took around 18 months
to make the app workable.

Friday 21 June 2013

Using Me Books

We have been using a new app in Guided Reading called Me Books!
We spent some time recording our own version of the story and recording sound effects!

Our teachers love it, because we are able to access some really exciting and interesting books and the illustrations and narration are brilliant!
Here is a short video from our Digital Leaders!
This is what some of us thought!

Thursday 16 May 2013

Year 2 talk to Serbia and Turkey

We talked to Serbia and turkey we asked them what their favourite food was and what they liked to do they said they liked to read.Their classroom is different to ours, their tables only seat two people but ours seat more.We want to Skype with Jamaica because we have been talking about that country .
 We also asked them which sports they like and they both agreed that they  liked football.We were so exited when miss told us we were going to be talking to Turkey and Serbia we also wanted to know what the weather was like in their country.When we spoke to them today we couldn't see them but we could hear them when we talked to Turkey we told them it was hot outside then when we went out to play it started raining.We also asked them about their favourite book the children speak Serbian but they are learning to speak English  at school so they can talk with us.We felt excited when we found out they liked playing football and it is a good thing because they can get skinny .